Rep. Koinah admonished citizens not to protest against the world’s leading integrated steel and mining company in Liberia, but to engage in dialogue with the company regarding the completion of the projects.
LIBERIA – Bong County Electoral District #1 Representative Prince K. Koinah has assured District #1 citizens that he is currently investigating the ArcelorMittal Liberia four hundred and twenty thousand United States Dollars incomplete projects in the county.
Bong County is part of the ArcelorMittal Liberia affected counties. As part of the company’s social corporate responsibility, it provides five hundred thousand United States Dollars annually to the social development fund of Bong County.
Speaking at a town hall engagement with citizens in Kpaai District #1 on May 11, 2024, in Zowinta, Representative Prince K. Koinah said he has launched an investigation into funding that has been provided to the district by ArcelorMittal Liberia to undertake projects.

The Bong County Electoral District #1 Representative said $120,000 USD was allocated for clinic construction in Zowinta. He added that an additional one hundred thousand United States Dollars ($100,000 USD) was also allocated for the same clinic, yet the citizens of Zowinta are yet to see the project’s completion.
He alleged that another one hundred twenty thousand United States Dollars ($120,000 USD) was allotted to a clinic project in Gbarta and one hundred twenty thousand United States Dollars ($120,000 USD) to a clinic project in Boebee Town in Tuqbablee Administrative District, Bong County. He noted that the company made a similar allocation of fifty thousand United States Dollars for constructing a maternal waiting home in Rockcrusher.
The construction of the three health centers in Zowienta, Gbarta, Boebee, and a maternal waiting home in Rockcrusher amounts to over four hundred twenty thousand United States Dollars (USD 420,000).
The District #1 lawmaker said despite all the allocations, these projects are yet to be completed by ArcelorMittal Liberia in the county.
At the same time, Representative Prince K. Koinah has called on the youth of District #1 and Bong County at large to always pursue the path of peace and positive engagement with ArcelorMittal Liberia to address their concerns as citizens.
He said that through dialogue and positive engagement with ArcelorMittal Liberia, Bong County and the company have been able to partner to implement some projects in the interest of the affected communities.
Rep. Koinah further admonished the citizens of District #1 not to protest against the world’s leading integrated steel and mining company in Liberia but to engage in dialogue with the company regarding the completion of the projects.
When contacted, the Communication Manager of ArcelorMittal Liberia, Winston P. Daryoue, refused to respond to the allegations, despite attempts to reach him through text messages and phone calls on social media.
As per the County Development Funds management guidelines, AML is required to withhold and oversee the expenditure of 20 percent of the County Social Development Fund (CSDF) on development projects identified by members of communities directly affected by the company’s mining operations in Bong, Nimba, and Grand Bassa.
ArcelorMittal is one of the world’s leading steel and mining companies, with a presence in 60 countries and primary steelmaking operations in 15 countries. It is the largest steel producer in Europe, among the largest in the Americas, and has a growing presence in Asia through its joint venture AM/NS India.
ArcelorMittal sells its products to a diverse range of customers, including the automotive, engineering, construction, and machinery industries. In 2023, it generated revenues of $68.3 billion, produced 58.1 million metric tonnes of steel, and 42.0 million tonnes of iron ore. Its purpose is to produce smarter steels for people and the planet. These steels are made using innovative processes that use less energy, emit significantly less carbon, and reduce costs. They are cleaner, stronger, and reusable, designed for the renewable energy infrastructure that will support societies as they transform through this century.