A Patriot’s Diary
With Ekena Nyankun Juagbe-Droh Wesley
A few hours ago, the Heritage Newspaper reported that the Joint Committee on Ways, Means, and Finance at the National Legislature has promised to subject the upcoming budget hearing to “Scrutiny in the interest of the Liberian people.” Isn’t it laughable? It is indeed comical! These folks came to power on January 22, 2018. This is February 2023! Mind you, we are in an election year. When did the people become their interest? Nonsense! It is all in the name of wooing votes!
Perhaps year after year, they might have tried to lie but this time they cannot get away. The last 17 years have shown that our people are no longer stupid anymore and cannot be used at the whims and caprices of selfish politicians. Our schools and hospitals remain underfunded. The determination to review, analyze and pass the budget into law rests squarely with our lawmakers.
For far too long greedy and unpatriotic politicians have abused the opportunity to adequately and ably represent the people’s genuine interest. They would rather advance their parochial interest. When six months of rain could not fill the bucket, what kind of magic do we foresee to change the situation? These folks are jokers!
When did they come to the realization that there is something called the people’s interest? The people will not hesitate to boot out all those who failed them. The day of the Jackal is nearing! It is called payday. The people will use the power in their thumbs to teach fools lessons. They have done it in the last 17 years and there is bound to be redux! A redux meant to send charlatans packing. Enough is enough.
Neighboring countries in the region are making so much progress to lift their people out of poverty and give them hope and make life better. In the small West African nation, we have chosen to ride on the ignorance and gullibility of the impoverished for all the greedy reasons. Our lawmakers have spent valuable time booth-licking and succumbing to the country’s imperial presidency.
Our people have elected leaders without scruples! People who lack any ounce of empathy! Leaders who have brought disgrace to their constituents. They have selected to use palaver hut projects as achievements. What a shame! Spineless leaders who refuse to commit budgetary allocations to our hospitals and educational institutions but expect outcomes of magical proportions. What manner of lawmakers have we been electing from time to time?
As most of them are poised to head toward the gate of no return, the scrutiny they refer to is simply to indulge in the ‘play-to-pay’ tactics. They are bound to place allotments under various government institutions and once the budget is approved to ‘Nicodemuslously’ go after the booty. But our schools and hospitals remain unattended to by such faceless lawmakers.
The whole idea of scrutiny is fake and a deliberate pseudo cum campaign to appear to be seen to be doing something. October is at hand, folks. Let’s vote these thieves out. They have no clue that the people they have been representing have an interest. NOBODY IS STUPID HERE!!