President George M. Weah
LIBERIA – President George Weah and his government are not interested in holding free and fair democratic elections, according to the former chairman of the former Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Liberia (TRC), Cllr. Jerome Verdier.
The Weah government wants to cheat, they don’t want to conduct the census that’s the reason they are putting impediments in the way of the census, Verdier told a radio interview this morning.

He said no census means no elections; adding that he seriously doubts that Liberia under President George Weah can hold free and fair elections.
Processes leading to credible census require at least two years, the rights activate said. But as it stands, he noted, “We have just one year to elections, meaning we can’t hold a credible census; and that in the absence of a credible census, you just can’t hold credible elections.”
Cllr. Verdier: “You are aware of the story where people who sat the aptitude test for LISGIS training were removed and replaced with Weah party members.”
He indicated that Everything at the Elections Commission is about bribery and corruption. They are direct representatives of Weah. Everything the government does borders on corruption, from top to button, according to Cllr. Verdier; adding “The Weah leadership in Liberia is not capable of conducting free and fair elections.
“The guys at LISGIS act on behalf of the President. And our position is that no censors, no elections.
“This census thing is a serious crisis that could undermine our constitution. If elections are not held on time, occupants of elected positions will not stay on, which also includes the office of President.
“If we don’t hold elections on time, the government will not stay on, they cannot benefit from their own wrongdoing”, Verdier continued.
Cllr. Verdier said you can’t avoid an interim government if elections are not held in accordance with the Constitution. He pointed out that all Governments must follow the rule of law and do things properly.
He stated it is impossible to hold credible elections come 2023 based on what is transpiring in Liberia right now, the former TRC Chairman noted, while pointing out that that’s what President George Weah wants because he wants to succeed himself by any means.