An opinion By John H.T. Stewart
LIBERIA – Hardly had I dropped my pen cautioning Vice President Chief Dr. Da Our Time to Eat Jewel Howard Taylor to curb her reckless tendencies, a gang of CDC/NPP thuggish elements professedly acting at her behest violently disrupted Sunday religious service at the Prince Johnson Church sending worshippers scrambling for their lives.

The Vice President has since denied accusations by Senator Prince Johnson that she along with others including Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Koijee orchestrated the attack on Prince Johnson’s Church and disrupted its Sunday morning service.
But upon examination of the facts, it appears that the Vice President may be telling a bold-faced lie. The perpetrators speaking for themselves declared that they had staged their action because according to them, Senator Prince Johnson had attacked the reputation of Vice President Chief Dr. Da Our Time to Eat Jewel Howard Taylor.
Further, prior to the attack on Senator Prince Johnson’s church, the Vice President in a very provocative statement bordering on incitement to war openly declared that she will be returning to District 10 to campaign for the election of Josephine Davies and it will be “army to army”. This is what she had to say:
“Honorable Yekeh Kolubah, and Mr. Speaker, I’m calling his name because he had a press conference and mentioned my name there; I will begin touring District 10 soon and it will be an army to army where people will come see who is who because I’m not afraid of you.”
And then shortly after her remarks, she unleashed her thugs on Senator Prince Johnson. Senator Prince Johnson, despite his atrocious wartime records and allegations of “pay to play”, has remarkably steered himself away from acts that threaten the peace.
Unlike the battle-hardened Senator Prince Johnson, it is the pusillanimous Vice President of who has not the faintest exposure to combat save her association with disgraced President and convicted war criminal Charles Taylor who will flee at the first sound of battle is the one of the key characters threatening the peace and stability of the nation.
The Vice President is a lawyer by profession and given such one would expect that she will at all times conduct herself within the pale of the law.
To the contrary, she has instead acted in ways that appear analogous to and indistinguishable from lawless behavior.
It can be recalled that when serving as Bong County Senator, she physically obstructed LNP officers and foiled their attempts to take her paramour and criminal suspect Melee Kermue into custody pending extradition to the US to face criminal charges.
Further, it is alleged that using her influence she secured a diplomatic appointment for Kermue as Consul-General of Russia in Liberia.
It is alleged that Kermue aside from having attended school in Russia and speaking fluent Russian was associated with the GAZPROM oil block bid deal.
More recently the Vice President has been linked to an individual currently under detention in the US on criminal charges. The individual Basirou Kante aka, Royal Gold was found with a Liberian diplomatic passport in his possession.
Informed sources allege that the flamboyant high-riding and free spending “Royal Gold” came into possession of Liberian diplomatic passport through the influence of the Vice President.
Informed sources also allege that both individuals have been spotted together in the Ghanaian capital, Accra where sources also allege she owns a private mansion.
It is where she is reported to have fully recuperated following a nine-hour surgery operation for cervical cancer in an Accra hospital.
At the time she was under UN sanctions but according to informed sources, thanks to her, it was former TRC Commissioner Pearl Brown Bull who led the charge to have the UN grant her dispensation to seek medical treatment for a life threatening illness.
But recently in an arrogant display of insensitivity, she openly declared “Boakai will soon die” but she seems to have forgotten that she was once ill to the point of death with cervical cancer and would have died had it not been for intervention which led the UN to grant her dispensation to seek medical treatment in Ghana.
More to that it was the same “Boakai will soon die” who played a leading role according to informed sources to convince then Senatorial contestant Henri Tokpah to stand aside in deference to her when it was apparent she had lost to him.
Recently she was at home in Accra where, according to sources she spent and observed Mother’s Day worshipping at a local church instead of being in Liberia to pay homage to her slain mother, whose life was snuffed out by her husband’s forces at the Phebe Hospital in 1994.
Chief Dr. Jewel Da Our Time to Eat Howard Taylor’s recent declaration of war against Representative Yekeh Kolubah and Senator Prince Johnson strongly suggests that her obsession for power virtually has no limits
She realizes that everything, the false world she has created for herself will come crashing down when she is voted out of office in October which is a mere five(5) months away.
And like others of her ilk have done, she is openly espousing violence but she needs to step back for a moment and ask herself just where violence will lead her.
Does she really believe that she will foment violence in Liberia and run away to the safety of her Accra mansion granted it will still be standing?
And does she really believe that she will escape the flames from the furnace of hell, the doors of which she is now threatening to throw open?
I may not like Prince Johnson for what he has done but I will defend if needs be with my life his right to freedom of worship.
And let me remind Vice President Jewel Da Our Time to Eat Howard Taylor that her husband Charles Taylor once threatened to militarily overrun Monrovia but received a bloody nose when he did try in 1992.
Fast forward, 31 years later his former wife is making similar threats against her political opponents. She divorced Charles Taylor but yet pretends to be carrying his mantle as “Mother of the Revolution”.
She even once made a failed bid, a vainglorious attempt to take on his self-acclaimed title of Dahkpanah.
The truth is all former NPFL fighters recognize one woman as the true mother of their revolution. And she is definitely not Chief Dr. Jewel Da Our Time to Eat Howard Taylor.
This other woman is going about her business quietly unlike the opportunistic loud-mouthed character now threatening war against her political opponents.
Lest she forgets, a real bloody nose awaits her should she and her kind ever make good their threats to impose themselves by way of the barrel of the gun whose trigger can respond to any finger.
Verbium Sapienti Sat! (A word to the wise is sufficient)