A pro-life known and styled, the Campaign to Stop Extreme Abortion in Liberia, has ended a three-day training and awareness on comprehensive sex education in the Monrovia suburb of Brewerville.
The training was also intended to empower local and faith community leaders on abortion.
The training brought together 150 Christian and Muslim leaders, women and youth groups from all over the country for three days.
Speaking during the training, the former President of the Liberia Council of Churches, Bishop Kortu Brown spoke of the need to discuss the phrase given the right to take the life of the unborn babies in Liberia.

According to him, the phrase on abortion on the bill, which is said to be before the Liberian Senate, has to take into consideration that abortion is the killing of the unborn.
“This occasion is part of our efforts by mobilizing the Liberian community in standing up against extreme abortion component of the extreme abortion bill of the public health of Liberia that is currently under review by Liberian Senate,” he said; adding : “ this is a portion that we have tried to prevent from passing into law.”
“Now, the Liberian Senate is in a limb dock session,” he went on, “we want on increase our awareness on the danger that the passage of this bill, especially the portion on sex education on our culture.”
“We need to bring understanding to this issue and keep this country for God because this is not the way to go as a nation and people.”
Delivering the keynote speech, the former Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator in the Bureau for Global Health at the United States Agency for International Development, Dr. Monique Wubbenhorst said that the killing of unborn babies is sin and constitutes a violation of human rights.

“Globally, there are increasing efforts in the developing countries on the discussions of introducing sex education in schools for children and abortion. With the election been going on, I just want to encourage you that your efforts will never be wasted because God is seeing what you are doing and he is going to reward you for whatever you have done,” Dr. Wubbenhorst said.
Also making remarks at the opening ceremony, the General Secretary of the Apostolic Pentecostal Church International, Reverend Miatta Sirleaf, who welcomed the audience, said the training is intended to train participants to create awareness in the respective localities about the danger of abortion.

The training and awareness under the theme: “Protecting Life and Family,” was organized by the Campaign To Stop Extreme Abortion in Liberia with funding from the Family Watch International as well as facilitated by Bishop Kortu Brown, the Convener and Lead Campaigner.
Day one of the training brought Christian leaders, day two was graced by Muslim clerics and the third day brought youths and students from all over the country.