Activist, Martin Kollie
Liberia’s census for 2023 is in jeopardy for alleged corruption. People familiar with the situation at the Liberia Institute for Statistics and Geo-information Services (LISGIS) the Census house responsible to conduct the census are accusing officials at the institution and the Minister of Finance of allegedly stealing monies intended to conduct the census in the country.
An activist in exile, Martin Kollie has pointed an accusing finger at Finance Minister Samuel who is the chairman of the census board for allegedly manipulating the situation at LISGIS and stealing monies that are intended to fund the holding of the census. Koillie has not been able to show documentary evidence of his allegations.

According to Martin Kollie, the Government of Liberia through LISGIS controls and manages two different Census Accounts at Eco-bank Liberia Limited; and disclosed that all monies transferred from GOL Ministry of Finance to LISGIS into these accounts should be deposited directly into “The Census Basket Fund” which is controlled and managed by UNFPA.
But Kollie alleges this has not been the case. And because this has not been the case, Kollie states that the country has not gone to the census.
“Monies into these accounts have been and are being siphoned and stolen by Wilmot Smith, Lawrence George, Dominic Paye, and Francis F. Wreh”, Kollie notes. The Three are officials of LISGiS.
He released a United States Dollars Account No. 6100064362. In this account, Kollie says the Liberian Government deposited $2,000,569.68 USD to LISGIS as a first contribution, US$340,643.89 as a second deposit to LISGIS, bringing the total to US$2,341,213.57.
Kollie reports that out of over $2.3 million USD, LISGIS only deposited $700,000 USD in “The Basket Fund”, while alleging the rest of the money cannot be accounted for.
Martin Kollie promised to reveal specific so-called expenditures including cheques of how Wilmot Smith and his “gang stole millions at LISGIS which has prevented Liberia from conducting its National Population and Housing Census.”
Kollie had earlier accused Finance Minister Samuel D. Tweah’s media assistant, Aloysius Howe, of allegedly withdrawing 160k from LISGIS’ account on October 19, 2022 (Cheque Withdrawal – BG CHK330, Ref. J01CQWL222920084).
Activist Martin Kollie promised to release part 2 of his revelation with some specifics in order to further expose how LISGIS is allegedly being looted in daylight.
He called LISGIS’ acting boss, Wilmot Smith, the alleged chief culprit.
“Do you know who’s emboldening and protecting Wilmot Smith to steal? Samuel D. Tweah is at the center of this SCAM and State plunder”, according to Kollie.