A Guest Commentary – By Allen Yancy III
Humans are physical and spiritual beings and are impacted by natural and spiritual laws. For this reason, from the beginning of history, all cultures have had mystical dealings and attachments to the supernatural.
Nothing in the universe happens without a cause. After Liberia’s complete madness, the Civil War ended, and having experienced it, I began a deep search and asked God to help me understand why Liberia was plunged into total darkness and became a living hell. I had to wait 18 (eighteen) years to receive an answer.

I do not know whether to call the answer a revelation or a word of knowledge but the answer is reasonable, satisfies my longing, and finally gives peace to my soul. There are two nations in the world, (Israel and Liberia) that came under the direct covering of God while coming into existence. The Hebrews and Settlers have a similar history. They left lands of slavery (Egypt & U.S.), crossed large bodies of water;(the Red Sea & Atlantic Ocean), and founded free nations (Israel &Liberia).
We know the Old Testament History of the Hebrews from Egypt to the Promised Land. God being jealous, when they disobeyed and dishonored God, especially by engaging in idol worship, God always sent prophets to warn them of their behavior. Because they did not change their ways, God banished them from Israel. For centuries the Israelites remained scattered around the world but God promised to take them back and did so in 1948.
The Case of Liberia is distinct and special. It is the only nation in the modern world that was born in the House of God. On July 26, 1847, Liberia came into existence in the Providence Baptist Church on Broad Street now a national shrine, where the Declaration of Independence was signed. Those who chose the Church to declare independence committed Liberia to a sacred covenant with God.
Thereby, promising to live by the greatest commandment, LOVE. A Glorious Birth of Liberia! Liberia is blessed with abundant natural resources and a small population. Had this nation honored the “Surrender” it made to God in the Church, it would have become a prosperous nation in Africa. Over the past seventeen decades, our leaders have failed to grasp the spiritual significance of the Love Covenant. Being born in a Church, God expected and demanded more of this nation.
For a hundred & twenty-four years, God being patient, continued to protect Liberia. As a God of mercy and compassion, in 1971, God made a preacher who was President of the Baptist World Alliance, and President of Liberia. Not enough, God made another preacher, a Bishop of the United Methodist Church, and Vice President of Liberia. Never before in the history of any modern nation has there been two preachers holding the highest positions in their denominations leading a nation.
It is clear that their actions displeased God and that was Liberia’s last chance for redemption. This was a grave historical mistake that continues to burden Liberia. Like God punished the Israelites for disobedience and idol worship, after a hundred and thirty-three years, God stopped protecting Liberia and divine judgment came upon the land. Therefore, on April 12, 1980, a bloody military coup d’etat took place.
Fortwenty-four years of violence engulfed the nation and Liberia became a tale of unbelievable horrors. Like the Israelites were scattered abroad, tens of thousands of Liberians fled to many West African Countries as refugees. Many more thousands were forced to resettle overseas. A huge loss of human capital and a massive brain drain to Liberia.
What a great tragedy! The Truth and Reconciliation Commission did an exhaustive and praise-worthy work and made some important recommendations for national healing. Sadly, the report has been conveniently ignored. Now impunity is the order of the day. Is there a way forward for Liberia without national repentance and forgiveness? This nation can not continue on the path of bitterness, pain, and injustice.
We welcome any other reason that could better explain why Liberia sank into the depths of barbarism.
Never forget that The Love of Freedom inspired the Birth of Liberia.
“THOU SHALL LOVE” The Greatest Commandment!