MONROVIA – Due to its relevance regarding emerging global happenings especially in the wake of the ongoing economic and strategic rivalry between China and the US and the great power politics and spheres of political influence among states, the United States Tech Gaint, Yahoo Company has voluntarily promotes and advertises on its online news platform the latest book authored by the University of Liberia Professor, Dr. Josephus Moses Gray. The American tech giant is advertising the book globally without a cent being paid by the author or the publisher.
Dr. Gray who currently served as Dean of the Prof Amos C Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Liberia, has described the decision of Yahoo as good news for a great reason for the University of Liberia, the state, and its people. According to him, the news is worth celebrating for several good reasons.

Dr. Gray said: I was surprised by the news that my new book has been advertised on Yahoo’s front page by the United States tech giant Amazon to accommodate a wide array of global views and draw public attention to the new publication that benefits existing and prospective readers.
The online ads are on the right channel and are highly effective since Yahoo is a global media and tech company connecting people to their passions.
The tech company’s live stream coverage has an average of 6 million visitors each week, with about 225 million yahoo mail users. See attached photos from Yahoo’s home page publication for the past eight days. I’m very grateful to the U.S. Tech giant Amazon Publishing Company for promoting my practical research without asking me to pay a dime.
The new book discusses Liberia, the U.S.A., and China’s Triangular Relations in detail and indirectly projects the positive image of the University of Liberia and our beloved country Liberia since the author of the book is the Dean of Prof. Amos C Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Liberia.
The book is published by Amazon Tech Giant including other global publishing companies and agencies and is on sale in 162 countries worldwide. The book is also printed in other languages including French, Spanish, Italian, and Chinese, while the book also contains an audio version. It is on sale globally for affordable cost while the book contains soft and hard copies.
Fortunately, for the past months, Dr. Gray’s book has been gaining ground swell, breaking through some cogent including additional dimensions with emphasis on a highlighted advertisement on the United States tech Yahoo Company front page.
The latest publication has uniquely passed the quality check and was peer-reviewed by the United States National Copyright Office in Washington, D.C., USA. As a result of the positive check, the Registrar and Director of the Library of Congress, Shira Perlmutter recently transmitted a Certificate of Registration in recognition of Dr. Gray’s new book with the assigned registered number TX-9-003-959, international Standard Number ISBN 9781665522557 and applicant’s tracking number 828851are assigned to Dr. Gray’s new book.
Details of the book include 680 pages with ISBN-10: 1665522550, ISBN-13: 978-1665522557, and weight: 2.36 pounds with the dimensions of 5.98 x 1.44 x 9.02 inches. The publication contains 580 pages, 3,123 paragraphs, 202,916 words, and 2,470,268 characters both single and double spacing.
The book further contains 9,750 punctuation marks, 855 in-text citations, 16,265 lines, and 590 references.
The Certificate reads: This Certificate is issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attest that the registration has been made for identification as indicated on the certificate issued by the US Copyright National Office, adding that the information on this certificate has been made part of the Copyright Office
Professor Gray is now the author of three books coupled with numerous peer-reviewed manuscripts and about 300 articles that have been published. He has also written and published in several principal areas including international relations, politics, diplomacy, foreign policy, journalism, elections, online teaching, education, and democracy.
Interestingly, the book has not gone unnoticed by international publishing entities and booksellers around the world including Amazon, Author House, Ebay, Blackwells UK, and Powells. Water stones, FNAC, Noble’s online bookstore, Biblio, Library books, google, eCampus, Booktopia, Vital Source, and Dymocks.
Meanwhile, the new book has earned praise from several distinguished personalities including Africa’s First elected Female President and former President of Liberia, Mrs. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf; United States Ambassador to Liberia, His Excellency, Mr. Michael A. McCarthy, Secretary-General of Mano River Union (MRU), Mrs. Medina Wesseh; Honorable James Berney, Chairman, Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Senator of Maryland County, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Prof. John Abdual Kargno, and Rev. Oliver Harding, Senior Librarian of Faurah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone.
Each copy of the book has been donated to some high-profile personalities including the Office of the President of Liberia, His Excellency Dr. George M. Weah; Hon. Jewel Howard-Taylor, Vice President of Liberia; Mrs. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, former President of Liberia; Mrs. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General; Hon. Bhofal chambers, Speaker, National Legislature of Liberia; His Excellency, Mr. Michael A. McCarthy, United States Ambassador to Liberia, Mrs. Medina Wesseh, Secretary-General of Mano River Union (MRU), His Excellency Mr. Ren Yisheng, Chinese Ambassador to Liberia; His Excellency Mr. Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemaya, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Honorable James Biney, Chairman, Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Senator of Maryland County and Hon. Legherhood Julius Renner, Minister of Information and Culture Affairs.
Other personalities and institutions are Prof., Dr. Julius J. S. Nelson, Jr., President of the University of Liberia; Prof. Dr. Souha Akiki, President of Paris Graduate School and Mr. Mouloud Beghdad, Relations officer of HEIP-CEDS Graduate School, INSEEC University, OMNES EDUCATION, Paris; Bibliotheque National Library, Paris, France; Prwsident, Shard University, New Delhi, India; Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Prof. John Abdual Kargno and Rev. Oliver Harding, Senior Librarian of Faurah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone; Cllr. Blama, Vice President for Legal Affairs, University of Liberia; and Prof. Stephen Jubwe, Dean of Faculty and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Liberia, among other personalities.
Dr. Gray is a native-born Liberian who hails from the Southeastern village of Kayken, Barclayville District, Grand Kru County. Also briefly discussed in the memoir include Dr. Gray’s service in both public and private sectors including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where he worked as a Senior Policy Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Political Counsellor, Embassy of Liberia in Paris, France; Minister Counselor and Charge d’ Affaires, Liberia Permanent Mission to the Swiss Confederation and the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, and Assistant Foreign Minister for
Public Affairs, and a senior research fellow at the International Institute of Research for Strategic Studies, Paris, France.