MONROVIA, LIBERIA – The administration, faculty and staffs of Grand Kru Technical College (GKTC) Friday, January 3, 2025 officially welcomed the Acting President of institution, Prof. Dr. Josephus M. Gray back home on after successful completion of his official visit to Beijing, China to attend the 7th Congress and Meeting of the International Confucian Association and Two Months intensive and inspired Visiting Professorship at the distinguished Sharda University in India. The colorful ceremony held in the conference room of College’s Monrovia Office on Broad and Gurley Streets Intersection was graced by Hon. Numene T.H. Bartekwa, Chairman, Grand Kru County Legislative Caucus and Chairman of the Board of Trustees, University of Liberia, friends, family members, faculty and staffs of the college.

In his welcome remarks, Dr. Gray said it is good to be back in the country to again rejoin the great family of the Grand Kru Technical College. It is always great pleasure to see so many familiar faces who are making immense impact to new knowledge and human development, as teachers and mentors.
First of all, I want to acknowledge members of the Board of Trustees and the Administration of the College and my dedicated and committed Chairpersons and faculty and diligent support staffs for the hard work to move this great institution forward in peace and unity without any disruption of academic activities. I am so grateful for the unbelievable reception, support and honored accorded me. I am grateful and I am glad to be able to keep that promise to the people of Grand Kru to lead a great college, a legacy that is to be carried on by others.
According to Prof. Gray, the College has a very great prospects to be one of the best Colleges in the Republic of Liberia and beyond Liberia’s borders; it’s growing, uplifting and presents opportunity for the people of Grand Kru County and Southeastern Liberia. It’s also full environment with smart students and dedicated faculty and diligent administrators. He noted that the best thing about GKTC is attractive to students and every day a new learning takes place where students get to explore new areas of knowledge and activities as frequent activities like lecture-demonstration workshops, panel discussions and one-on-one with guests and administrators.

Above all, Dr. Gray said: GKTC commitment to excellence and unwavering support is making lasting impact on students ‘lives and future career. Beyond that, the College is cherished by the community and students and leaving a cherish memories and lessons in the areas of boost earning potential, increase chances of future employment, expand students future opportunities for the job market, preparing students for the future and build new relationships, among others.
In separate remarks, Dr. Gray and Hon. Bartekwa admonished the GKTC employees to unite and support the new president of the college who is expected to be appointed by President Joseph Nyuma Boakia. According to Senator Bartekwa, several academics have been vetted and names shall shortly be submitted to President Boakai for appointment.
On Thursday, 26 December 2024 at 2:00pm, tThe Sharda School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sharda University in Knowledge Park III, Greater Norda, India along with its Professors, Chairpersons and faculty members organized a farewell program in honor of a visiting professor from the University of Liberia and Dean of the Amos C. Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities.
During the ceremony held at Sharda University Block 7 on the 8th floor of Sharda School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prof. (Dr.) Anviti Gupta, Professor of Psychology and Dean, Sharda School of Humanities and Social Sciences praised Dr. Gray for his remarkable contributions of new knowledge, research, faculty development and admitted the UL professor as a Faculty of the University. On behalf of the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Professors, chairpersons, Faculty and students of Sharda University, Dr. Gupta presented Certificate of Appreciation, Official letter of Professorship and further presented to Dr. Gray a Special gift on behalf of the Chancellor of the institution.
In his remarks, Dr. Gray said: I’ve been moved to express my gratitude to a distinguished Sharda University for the honor to connect with fellow professionals and students to share my knowledge, thoughts, insights and experiences with students at the school. I am incredibly fortunate to be accorded such a memorable opportunity to join the illustrious professors, and administrators. I am truly touched by the incredible support provided me and it is like being home.

Dr. Gray, on behalf of the Acting President of the University of Liberia, Prof. Dr. Al-Hassan Conteh, UL Administration, academic team, faculty, staff and students of the ASC College and the University of Liberia and grand Kru Technical College presented special Certificate of Appreciation to Prof. (Dr.) Anviti Gupta. He also presented a Certificate of Appreciation to the Coordinators of the Department of Political Science, Sharda School of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Dr. Gray who joined the faculty of the Department of Political Sciences, Sharda School of Humanities and Social Sciences and served as a visiting professor for one academic semester from October 23-December 22, 2024 was lauded for his distinguished professorship.
” It was a privilege to teach a Master’s Degree course, Political Science MOP 177: Energy and Environment Relations and Geopolitics of Energy.”
Besides teaching, Dr. Gray was involved in research, delivering guest lectures, and interactions with brilliant students and esteemed professional colleagues, the busy course work and lectures ended on Monday, 22 December 2024. I’ m truly appreciative and thanks Dr. Conteh for believing in me to fulfill the mission entrusted to me to add value to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed on October between Sharda University and University of Liberia on October 6, 2022.
I am highly touched to hear from the students from Liberia attending Sharda University about the notable professional standards, strong commitment to academic quality and excellence in teaching, research, and service. The Liberian students described teaching and learning at Sharda University as “quality and professional”, and expressed appreciation for the method of teaching, students evaluation, and the positive atmosphere in the various classrooms. Truthfully, the tones of feedbacks from our students have been very positive, and explain how the faculty members really seem engaged with the material they’re teaching, and that makes it more exciting for them at Sharda University.
Furthermore, Dr. Gray said: I’m truly thrilled and deeply humbled to Dr. Ashok Daryani, President of International Relations of Sharda University for the opportunity accorded me to join the esteemed professors and faculty at Sharda University for one academic semester from October to December 2024. The trip is truly an amazing experience and has certainly opened my eyes even more to the benefits of having concrete ties with Sharda University.
My assigned master’s course: “Political Science MOP 177: Energy and Environment Relations and Geopolitics of Energy,” ran for ten weeks, three days a week and four hours a week, respectively. The students were given four research assignments on various global issues related to the course and defended the various assignments in class.
Besides the research assignments, they participated in three class exercises (quizzes), theory, practical and viva, excluding Midterm exams of ten essays based questions and seventieth essays based questions for the final exams. Predicated upon the Sharda University system, the midterm tests and final exams questions were independently prepared, administered and corrected by the University’s Exams Office, without my involvement. It also impossible for grades to be manipulated while students failing to obtain 70% of class attendance are not allowed to write their final exams.
In a statement read by Mr. Edward Allen Smith on behalf of the organizers, he highlighted Dr. Gray’s numerous efforts in uplifting the college. Mr. Smith, Associate Dean of Student Affair said Prof. Gray’s recent Visiting Professorship at Sharda University has brought pride and international recognition to University of Liberia, as well as the Grand Kru Technical College.
According to Mr. Smith, the College Acting President has prestigiously positioned college on a path of new academic trajectory, thus propelling itself far above redemptive glamour, instead elected to strengthen ties and collaboration at all echelons with emphasis on academic excellence and development with other sisterly globally recognized institutions of higher learning across the globe. According to Dean Smith, the distinguished academic team and the faculty have demonstrated their ability to perform, achieve and meaningfully excel in scholastic activities, evidenced by the visible achievement of the college while the college’s image of the College has been rebranded and serves as a flagship College in Southeastern Liberia.
He said under Dr. Gray’s inspired leadership, students are challenged to experiment with ideas, raise questions, critically examine alternatives, and make informed decisions and are encouraged students to accept responsibility for their learning, to discover and pursue their passions. The College promotes more equitable and sustainable communities in the southeastern regional counties as well as Liberia at large.
Under Dr. Gray’s leadership, the National Commission on Higher Education has granted the College full accreditation” to legally operate an Associate Degree Programs in the Republic of Liberia, and can be elevated to Bachelor degree in the future. The College offers two-year Associate of Science and Associate of Arts degree in Seven (7) Major disciplines in its undergraduate major programs, and would soon be elevated to confer can to Bachelor degree in various academic majors.
Our Acting President is highly respected and through his hard work, the College promotes distinctive approaches to engaged learning that emphasize theory and practice in our academic and co-curricular programs and also tirelessly work to pursue excellence while promoting inclusiveness and respect for differences. GKTC seeks to achieve excellent levels of distinction in teaching, learning and engaged into research. The College further seeks to achieve excellent levels of distinction in teaching, learning and research by transmitting knowledge and understanding that are needed to transform the Liberian society, and in the service of the world.
Speaking further, Mr. Smith said Dr. Gray’s administration has succeeded to ensure that in two-three year-time, the College will be elevated to Bachelor level. He was able to recruited qualified and competent Liberians for the posts of Deans for Academic Affairs Associate Dean for Admissions, Records and Registrar, Associate Dean for Dean for Student Affairs, Comptroller, Director of Human Resources, Director of Procurement and Communication and Media Relations, Director of Schedule and Monitoring, Facilities Manager, Chairs of Academic Departments, among other positions. Others are: President’s residence in Barclayville City, Library, Faculty Lounge, Facility and Maintenance Office. The short term also lead to the establishment of the College’s Monrovia office, student support services, community engagement.
While at the end of 2025-2026 academic School Year, the College should be relocated on its own campus and the ratio of Bachelor-Master’s degree holders should be at least 60%-40%. The Administration under the supervision of a Liberian scholar, professor, author and diplomat, Prof. Dr. Josephus Gbala-hinnig Moses Gray, a son from Kayken, Barclayville City, has developed a short, medium and long term comprehensive strategic plans providing a roadmap for the growth and development of the College.
The short plan also include ensuring that the College doors are opened, established three distinguished Working Committees (Search, Curriculum and Planning) which set the GKTC into motion and the establishment of academic programs, renovation of the college’s facilities including the renegotiation with the tribal people of Kayken for the college’s land and a detailed Architectural work and designs of GKTC future campus. The architectural and designs works have been completed and presented to its Board of Trustees; Grand Kru County Legislative Caucus; Honorable Minister of Finance Development Planning, Senate Chairman on Ways, Means and Finance and the County Superintendent, respectively.
He added that the the blueprint of the Architectural work and designs detailed the entire cost to construct the college’s modern campus from the foundation to completion and hope to start work on the infrastructure development in 2025. The immediate plan also considered the hiring of qualified and competent faculty members, regular training, placing them on Government of Liberia monthly payroll. While the medium plan include: Faculty and staff career development such as sending two faculty members to India for Master’s studies and two others are likely to depart in 2025 to India for Master’s studies while modalities have been put into place to send additional faculty to Accra for Master’s studies while other overseas opportunities are being sought for faculty development and support to enable the College fulfill its mission, achieve its vision, and contribute to the sustainable development.
This plan considers the clearing of the bushes from the land donated by the tribal people and hope to start work on the infrastructure development in 2025. It has halt the recruitment of Bachelor’s degree holders as faculty instead, only Master’s and Doctorate degrees holders are to be recruited as faculty members. The regular reviews and revision of Academic Curricula, provision of oversea fellowships, establishment of partnership and collaboration with sisterly College overseas and the construction of the College future campus are all incorporated into the strategic medium and long term plans.
The College for a short period of time from January-December 2024 was able to conduct wo successful academic semesters without any disruption of academic activities; All the 54 employees are approved by CSA and placed on GoL monthly payroll; For the two academic semesters, the College’s enroll 500 plus students; embellished Computer Lab for the Engineering and Computer Sciences Departments; Fixed 150 pcs of arm chairs for use by the students while additional 50 arms chairs will be purchase in January 2025. Receives about 142 scholarships from members of the Board of Trustees and none Board’s members.
Also, the provision of overseas opportunity for Master’s studies of staff and faculty; provisions of new motorbikes for the college use; establishment of a standardized official website being designed by the IT Section of Sharda University in India, and establishment of the College official Facebook page to project GKTC images and promote activities and share important information; Reviwed and revised the College’s Curricula for the all departments; formulation of the College’s Academic Calendar to serve as a guide; provision of students P.E. t-shirts and ID cards to all students and employees; persistent evaluation of staff and faculty members and several policies and student hand book.
Other include: Students of the Departments of Agriculture and Engineering and Computer Technology are engaged into hands-on experience for students to have practical knowledge to enable them execute projects that address real-world challenges and extra curriculum activities such as sporting activities and community engagement.
The College’s Board of trustees was able to establish a Search Committee to recruit the President, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Vice President for Administration, and Deans and Directors, recommends individuals being hired to the Board of Trustees and also Planning Committee Chaired by a renowned Liberian Educator, politician and a son of Grand Kru, Prof. Dr. Togba Nah-Tipoteh; the role was to set the directions and put into place the followings: (a) Short-term, (b) Middle term and (c) Long term of the Grand Kru Technical College. The recommendations of the Planning Committee helped to decide the initial Academic Departments to be established, the directions of these departments, and a timetable for the effect running of the College.
While the Third Committee: Curriculum Committee Chaired by a respectable Liberian and son of Grand Kru, Assistant Professor Adolphus Nippae, was instrumental to reviewed and revised the college’s curricula, and upgraded the curricula to a two-year Degree granting Programs. The approved curricula now is being used as guiding instrument for the various Departments. Also, a transitional committee was set-up to supervise the College’s transition from TVET (which was repealed by Act of the National Legislature on 14th March 2019) to Grand Kru Technical College.
The College is a public, government chartered institution of higher learning in the Republic of Liberia and situated in the southeastern coastline county known for its picturesque beaches, natural resources, and cultural heritage, making it an ideal destination for sun-seekers and ocean lovers. It is among 76 universities and colleges accredited the National Commission on Higher Education” to legally operate an Associate Degree Programs in the Republic of Liberia, and can be elevated to Bachelor degree in the future. The College is governed by a Board of Trustees appointed by the President of Liberia to set policy directions and guide the College’s management team headed by a president.
It was established in by an Act of the National Legislature on 14th March 2019 and on 18th January 2022 a Board of Trustees was appointed by the Former President of Liberia, His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah. It has the potential to be one of the global Reputable higher learning institutions in Liberia.
Since Dr. Gray was appointed by the Board of Trustees in January 2024 following the resignation of the College’s first President, with the support of the Board has been working assiduously and has taken several measures to ensure that the Grand Kru Technical College fulfill its core values, missions and objectives to the Liberian society, particularly Grand Kru County. Dr. Gray inherited the college on paper with no single students, no classroom, no teacher, no sub-office in Monrovia, no facilities and academic team with only 21 employees who were all in Monrovia, although the College is situated in Barclayville City, Grand Kru County.
But in less than two months, Dr. Gray with the support of the Board of Trustees and newly hired administrator was able to admit 206 students for the first semester academic year and 305 students for the second semester academic year and recruited 27 qualified, competent and experience faculty members and about 30 support and administrative staffs. Presently, the College can boost of over 55 fully time employees-they are all on government of Liberia’s monthly payroll.
GKTC instructional staffs made up of a vibrant faculty who are well qualified, trained, experienced and well prepared for full academic activities. Those being hired after going through a vigorous vetting exercise hold Doctorate, Master and Bachelor’s degrees. The College offers four semesters’ intensive academic programs while students are compared to successfully complete 70-76 credit hours to be eligible for graduation for an Associate of Science (A.Sc) in six major of disciplines. The majors are: Agriculture, Education, Engineering and Computer Technology, Health Sciences, Nature Sciences, Business and Communication and Media Studies. The College’s Curricula for the Six Academic Programs have been set-up while the Course Guide, Course Descriptions and Course Syllabi have been finalized, approved and in motion with 74-84 credit hours required for successful completion; it presently offers 88 sections from Mondays to Saturdays.